We recommend the following websites

No-Mainstream-diary (only in German): www.nachdenkseiten.de
We support: www.suerther-aue-retten.de
Christian BREUER - kunst acting dichtungen - aller ART: www.christbreu.de
Sascha LOSS Photographer and Musician: www.myspace.com/salossi und www.myspace.com/schlossblickstudios
Klaus der Geiger: www.klausdergeiger.de
Master craftman for conservation (visual and pictorial arts): www.fincent91.de
The Peacemagazine of Aachen with current press information: www.aixpaix.de
Peace Award Aachen: www.aachener-friedenspreis.de
Darmstaedter Signal: www.darmstaedter-signal.de
Peace Initiative Wuerselen: www.friedensinitiative-wuerselen.de
Association of Worldcitizens in Germany: www.worldcitizens.de
Human Rights Watch: www.hrw.org
Political co-determination: www.abgeordnetenwatch.de
Board for diskussion in Cologne: www.dellbruecker-forum.de
International Association of Conciliation: www.versoehnungsbund.de
Great Music from the Isle of Man: www.brownsugaronline.co.uk
